Monday, December 17, 2007

Let it Snow....

It started snowing yesterday and hasn't stopped, the wind is howling out there and our Christmas bows are constantly blowing away. There is so much snow the squirrel has decided to build a tunnel around the feeder to keep himself out of the wind and to further harass the doves. We finished up our Christmas cards and Lynn bless her soul ventured out and walked down to the mail to drop them off. Hopefully the kids (you know who you are) will get them in time for Christmas. It has become painfully apparent that I am no longer able to write like a normal person anymore, so I printed my greetings and sheesh, that wasn't much neater either but at least they're legible. I've been typing for so long, my whole career and since I discovered computers so long ago, so writing has become somewhat of a lost art for me. I think I'll look for a nice handwritten font and use that for my letters from now on, a little impersonal perhaps but a whole lot easier on my hands and what little brain I have left :) The snow is supposed to end by this afternoon so I'll be snowblowing to beat the band around 4 so I've got five hours to I'm off!

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