Yes, it would appear that Facebook has truly become an all consuming passion. I know I am not alone, there's even Facebook for mobile users. Thank God I never got into Tweeting. Mark Knoop ex member of EPS, was doing the Torch Relay for the Olympics and since it was crossing Canada, he decided that he would meet up with us somewhere in Atlantic Canada. We arranged to meet in St. John, a place I had never been to. I've been to St. Johns in Newfoundland but that is another story. We did the five hour drive down and spent a great couple of hours hanging out with Mark. Funny he hadn't seemed to have changed at all, but then neither have I :) He took a couple of pictures and sent them up to me so I have attached them here. The picture with Mark and I is in front of our now most favorite coffee shop in the entire world "Java Moose", we bought three pounds of Coca Moca there and man is that the best coffee ever? But I digress, for those who may have noticed that our address has changed, it actually hasn't. The Retired Members Guild finally updated our address from the temporary one (my mother in laws) to the address we have had all along in Petit-Rocher. Enjoy the pictures, send me a line if you happen to see this in your travels and if you need to find me, well, just look me up on Facebook :)